Mendengarkan Musik Membuat Depresi

Dapatkan pahala berdakwah dan gratis buku Rahasia Rezeki Berlimpah, klik di sini untuk detailnya

Mau depresi? Seringlah mendengarkan musik. Mau tenang? Baca buku, belajar, belajar, belajar….

Musik terbukti  berkorelasi positif dengan Major Depressive Disorder… Gak heran banyak orang stress di Indonesia (dan di seluruh dunia), karena banyak orang pada suka mendengarkan musik…

Untuk hasil riset ilmiahnya, silakan dibaca di dalam note ini, link sumber dicantumkan di bawah.

Dan jika Anda tidak suka mendengarkan musik serta merasa lebih tenang dengan hal itu, dan Anda peduli dengan kesehatan mental orang-orang di sekitar Anda, mohon share note ini ke teman-teman Anda…


Apa itu Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)?

Major depressive disorder (MDD) (also known as recurrent depressive disorderclinical depressionmajor depressionunipolar depression, or unipolar disorder) is a mental disorder characterized by an all-encompassing low mood accompanied by low self-esteem, and by loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities. This cluster of symptoms (syndrome) was named, described and classified as one of the mood disorders in the 1980 edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s diagnostic manual. The term “depression” is ambiguous. It is often used to denote this syndrome but may refer to other mood disorders or to lower mood states lacking clinical significance.

Major depressive disorder is a disabling condition that adversely affects a person’s family, work or school life, sleeping and eating habits, and general health. In the United States, around 3.4% of people with major depression commit suicide, and up to 60% of people who commit suicide had depression or another mood disorder.


Using Ecological Momentary Assessment to Determine Media Use by Individuals With and Without Major Depressive Disorder

Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2011;165(4):360-365. doi:10.1001/archpediatrics.2011.27

Brian A. Primack, MD, EdM, MS; Jennifer S. Silk, PhD; Christian R. DeLozier, BS; William G. Shadel, PhD; Francesca R. Dillman Carpentier, PhD; Ronald E. Dahl, MD;Galen E. Switzer, PhD

Participants :  One hundred six adolescent participants who were part of a larger neurobehavioral study of depression in Pittsburgh from January 1, 2003, through December 31, 2008.

Main Exposure  : At each call, participants were asked whether they were using the following 5 types of media: television or movies, music, video games, Internet, and print media, such as magazines, newspapers, and books.

Main Outcome Measures :  We developed multivariable models to determine the independent association of each type of media use with MDD, controlling for sociodemographic variables.

Results : Of the 106 participants, 46 were diagnosed as having MDD. In multivariable models controlling for age, sex, and race, each increasing quartile of audio use was associated with an 80% increase in the odds of having MDD (odds ratio, 1.8; 95% confidence interval, 1.1-2.8; P = .01 for trend). Conversely, each increasing quartile of print media use was associated with a 50% decrease in the odds of having MDD (odds ratio, 0.5; 95% confidence interval, 0.3-0.9; P = .009 for trend).

Conclusions : Major depressive disorder is positively associated with popular music exposure and negatively associated with reading print media such as books. Further research elucidating the directionality and strength of these relationships may help advance understanding of the relationships between media use and MDD.

Author Affiliations : Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine (Drs Primack and Switzer and Mr DeLozier), and Departments of Pediatrics (Dr Primack) and Psychiatry (Dr Silk), University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, RAND Corporation (Dr Shadel), and Center for Heath Equity Research and Promotion, Veterans Affairs Pittsburgh Healthcare System (Dr Switzer), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Dr Dillman Carpentier); and Community Health and Human Development and Joint Medical Program, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley (Dr Dahl).


Kalau Anda punya waktu luang, atau sedang sibuk melakukan pekerjaan yang menyita badan tetapi tidak menyita pikiran (misal: masak, mencuci piring, menyapu lantai, mengelap kendaraan, menyetir kendaran, dan sebagainya) — kita sebut saja waktu setengah sibuk, sebaiknya jangan mendengar musik akan tetapi mendengarkan hal lainnya yang jauh lebih bermanfaat dibandingkan mendengar musik. Beberapa contoh yang bisa Anda lakukan antara lain :

[] Bisa dipake dengerin rekaman ceramah Islam => langkah awal bahagia dunia akhirat

[] Bisa dipake denger kajian kesehatan, bisnis, finansial => kaya, sehat, bahagia di dunia

[] Bisa dipake dzikir / mengulang hafalan Qur’an & hadits => selamat dan bahagia di akhirat

Salah seorang yang saya kenal sangat baik telah menyadari hal ini 10 tahun yang lalu, dan berusaha memanfaatkannya waktu luangnya / waktu setengah sibuknya sebaik mungkin. Dia mengisinya dengan mendengarkan berbagai rekaman kajian ke-Islaman, bisnis, kesehatan, dan sebagainya. Sekarang 10 tahun berlalu, dihitung2 sudah lebih dari 10.000 jam “waktu luang” dia manfaatkan untuk “belajar sambilan”, dan banyak sekali manfaat yang dia rasakan.


Sudah melakukan hal yang sama juga? Alhamdulillaah.

Belum melakukan hal yang sama? Bisa segera dicoba.


Now, it’s your turn, manfaatkan juga waktumu supaya lebih berguna…

Terserah melakukan contoh yang mana, nomor satu, dua atau tiga,

atau cara sendiri, insyaaAllah tetap berguna & mendapat pahala.

Dapatkan pahala berdakwah dan gratis buku Rahasia Rezeki Berlimpah, klik di sini untuk detailnya